domenica 27 febbraio 2011

VV. AA. «Anthology of American Folk Music» [1952]

« Had he never done anything with his life but this Anthology, Harry Smith would still have borne the mark of genius across his forehead. I'd match the Anthology up against any other single compendium of important information ever assembled. Dead Sea Scrolls? Nah. I'll take the Anthology. Make no mistake: there was no 'folk' canon before Smith's work. That he had compiled such as definitive document only became apparent much later, of course. We record-collecting types, sifting though many more records than he did, eventually reached the same conclusions: these were the true goods. »
John Fahey

Get an absolutely definitive and essential historical document - - - - > Here

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1 commento:

  1. ma scriveteci che genere musicale ci si trova, ma siete proprio ignoranti


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